Quarantine log: day 26 Distance learning has been going well. Jojo actually says he likes being more than school because he likes being home with family. However, he added that it is harder that school. I think because all the worksheets. When he said that, that made me realize we need to diversify his learning. I can go off the worksheets (because I am NO lesson planner) and make learning a little more hands on. For example, he was supposed to fill out a worksheet with all the parts of a flower. There were, like, four worksheets that were the same thing. So, instead, we looked at plants and talked about them. We also planted out Venus fly trap and started a science journal. He has video chats with his class once or twice a week. His teacher does a good job making it fun! They've had show and tell, talking about their favorite books, or a rainbow scavenger hunt. I also had a video conference with his teachers to talk about what to expect for the rest of the year. Sch...