Morning pages is where you just write three pages in the morning. Or at least thats my understanding. Three pages of brain dumping, list making, stream of conscious, I don't know. It's 6:38AM. I went to bed at 11pm and turned off my alarm and put my phone on "do not disturb" (because I knew my sister was going to try to call me at 6am). But I did all that because I wanted to sleep in! And then Mike's alarm went off at 5:30am, shortly after I had woken up at the end of a dream. So, I decided, eh, might as well wake up. And then I wasted like AN HOUR on Facebook. Ugh. Well, I did have to make a graphic and post about the MOPS moms night out tonight. After that, I wasted time on Facebook reading awful sad things (like the Turpin family) and wishing I hadn't. Oh, and my sister called. So, I talked to her for a bit too. Let's fight the good fight Train our eyes to find the light And make this year the best one yet! -JJ Heller I'm currently o...