So, since Joseph is going to be TEN months old on Halloween, I figured I'd better upload these photos! I was late taking them and even later posting them. But better late than never, right?
Oh, and by the way? Y'all, I am so not a child photographer. And Joseph wasn't exactly in the mood to sit for portraits, and certainly not without his Ellie. He did cheer up quite a bit once I pulled out some toys for him to play with, as you can see. :)
I had envisioned this cute photo shoot with lots of bubbles, but as I was the one blowing the bubbles AND taking the photos it was difficult. My EOS Remote app wasn't working and Joseph kept crawling to the camera.
But oh well! This photo shoot does still showcase a few of his favorite things: 1) his wubanubs, 2) his drum sticks, 3) looking out the window and 4) books. Oh, and one of my favorite things--cloth diapers!
For those of you who are curious, here are updates about this wonderful boy:
Food: He nurses four times a day and eats three times a day. Our nursing relationship is still going strong and I'm in no hurry for him to wean! He eats breakfast, lunch and dinner. Mostly purees but we're working in the table food. Sometimes he gets a mid-afternoon stack which is just a handful of puffs/cheerios.
Motor skills: Crawling (since 8 months old), pulling up (since 7 months old), standing unassisted for a few seconds, cruising, pinching everything in sight.
Sleep: My bad sleeper is finally a good sleeper! He sleeps from about 7-7:30 and naps at 9:30 & 1:30. His naps are anywhere from one to two hours and I'm so grateful.
Diapers: Yep! Still 100% cloth diapered unless we're traveling for more than overnight. I loooooove cloth diapers. For other cloth diapering mommies, I have mostly Sun Baby and bumGenius 4.0s. I also have FuzziBunz, Flips, gDiapers, and one TrendLab diaper.
He loves to read books! He pulls them all off the shelf, selects one and flips through the pages. It's SO cute. Joseph is a great independent player, but he really lights up when someone gets on the ground and plays with him. We still babywear and I am still in LOVE with my Ergo.
When Joseph learned to pull to a standing position, he started doing it in the tub. Despite my constant sitting him back down, he slipped twice. He never got hurt, but he got really scared and was terrified of the bathtub for quite a while. He would cling to me, screaming, if I tried to bathe him. It was heartbreaking! So, then I started to get in the bath with him. He'd cry, clinging to me, until he realized that he could grab a snack and then I'd be sitting in shallow, rapidly cooling water, nursing my baby. So, I started throwing on a bathing suit and bathing with him three times a week. I didn't make him do anything he wanted to do. If he wanted to cling to me the whole time, great. This method worked GREAT and it was only a week until he was happily bathing again.
He currently hates diaper changes and it's like wrestling an alligator! He cries and writhes until he can play. Sometimes a toy is a nice distractor, sometimes it's not enough.
He loves Bella and she is so sweetly patient with him!
He loves snuggles and playtime with his mommy and daddy. And family time, when we hang out on the floor of Joseph's room together, is a favorite time of day all around. :)
He is so stinking cute!