My life is overflowing with blessing. God has been so abundant in his gifts to us this year. Here are just a few things that I'm grateful for: Mike, my wonderful husband. These past few days, we've been sleeping in together. We haven't done it in a while because of early morning Crossfit and his new job (not complaining, I'm grateful for both!). But it has been such sweet together time, just snuggling in bed and chatting as we slowly wake up. This child that God has so graciously blessed us with. Mike and I are excited to be parents and cannot wait to meet our son. We prayed so long for this and he's almost here! And oh my gosh, I just love to feel him move. I am always touching my belly, and that's because I love to feel him from the inside and out. :) God's impecable timing. I'm grateful for the time that Mike and I have had together before baby. We've been married for a little over four years and this past year has really been the best....