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Thankful Thursday

A healthy baby! And the opportunity to see him again at our anatomy scan. :)

When Mike comes home with little surprises. Like yummy scones from a local bakery!

This ones needs more than just a sentence.

James is a kid in our neighborhood who likes to hang out with Mike. Occasionally, Mike will pay him to do some work in the yard. But mostly, he just hangs out on the weekends when Mike is doing this thing. He's learned about making spaghetti sauce and roasting your own coffee beans. Well, at our gender reveal party, his grandma made some delicious food for us! Deviled eggs, potato salad, and a rotisserie chicken. I am SO thankful for her thoughtfulness!

The relationship I have with my brother, we haven't always been such good friends. :)

Charlemagne! And for having a baby boy!!

The unwavering affection of my sweet puppy.

My first Cara Box! And it was a really good one, too!

The Shutterbuds. I love being part of a group of talented female photographers. Especially ones who take amazing maternity portraits of me. I'll be sharing those tomorrow. :)

I'm also really thankful for:
  • My husband. I can't say this enough. He's so wonderful and we've just been having the best streak. I love being near him.
  • A wonderful lunch spent with a sweet friend.
  • Not being late and having to rush to work. So nice on the days that I can chill as I drive to work.
  • The amazing dinners Mike makes. Last night: scallops in a mushroom & butter sauce over angel hair pasta. Oh my amazing.

Oh yeah, and I started a Facebook page for my blog. Not sure why, but all the kids are doing it. I decided to give it a go. Like me?


  1. I'm thankful for the Lush bath bomb that my sister is going to give me. Right... RIGHT!!?!??!?!

  2. Sweet post. That cake looks so yummy, oh how I wish I was there to have some. I also know what you mean about the relationship with your brother, my brother and I were always at each others throats. But now that we are adults we really love each other more than I could have ever imagined.


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