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photography: pointing and shooting

"Putting sneakers on an old man isn't going to make him run faster. Having a better camera won't improve your skills."

Just saw this quote at DPS where someone left it as a comment to this post. So many people that say, "Oh, I wish I had a better camera so I could take nice photos!" Scott Borne says, "Stop making excuses for your gear."

No lie, having a DSLR with interchangeable lenses does make a difference. A $2500 camera with a $1000 lens will take better photos than your $100 p&s. It makes a huge difference. BUT...that doesn't mean you can't take some nice photos with your regular 'ol camera too. (Heck, you don't even need a camera! Have you seen the gorgeous photos some people take with their iPhones?)

Anyway, I've been thinking about posting a "take better pictures with your point & shoot camera" series. Would anyone be interested in that? Until then, I wanted to post some of my favorite photos that I've taken over the past few years. Taken, by the way, with a point & shoot.

Most of these photos have NO post processing, because I didn't know how. A couple of the photos were turned b&w in camera.

(There are a lot of photos because I was going down memory lane and had a hard time stopping. Click on photos to see them a bit larger.)

August 2007, Camp Old Indian
June 2007, Fenway Park
June 2007, Boston. This is where I first (and accidentally!) discovered a love for lens flare. I seriously love this photo.
September 2007, Huntington Island
September 2007, Huntington Island.
September 2007, Charlotte. Not the best photo ever, but I feel it's worth posting because it would have been a terrible photo if I had used flash. That's Stargirl's crew, by the way, with me in the white.
November 2007, Simpsonville
November 2007, Simpsonville
December 2007. Greenville.
November 2008, Cade's Cove. I have a slight obsession with the macro button. Don't hate.
May 2008, Louisville. Yep, gorgeous portraits too. This is Alan & Coralyn. Alan married us in their backyard.

September 2008, Atlanta's Fox Theater. Indoor photos too! I know you've seen this photo on my blog before :)
October 2008, Clemson. Fab night photos! Yes, suck into the Death Valley at night for this one.

January 2009, Greenville
March 2009, Moncks Corner
March 2009, Moncks Corner
June 2009, Traverse City


  1. My favs? 5, 7, 15, 10 in that order. LOVE 5 and 7!!

    I'd be interested in the p&s lessons. Just keep them extra simple. Like, I've never even heard of a macro button? I have a kodak something or other, about four years old.

  2. So true! I would be happy to be involved in a class.
    Too much equipment will only bog down & hinder creativity!

  3. Oh, John! I doubt I could teach you anything about photography that you weren't very well versed in already! :)

  4. I am DEFINITELY one of those people who say they need a better cam to take better pics! I'd love lessons on how to better my p&s shots!

    Love the ones you posted.. Really good, dude!


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