I had the most amazing birthday every. To everyone that showed up last night, sent me a card, called me, text messaged me, e-mailed me, facebooked/myspaced me: you made me feel loved.
Sunday, I went out to dinner with my parents and sister to Flat Rock and then to Barley's to play pool. A good ol' Heuser time! haha.
Monday, I got presents from the nanny-fam.
Tuesday, Mike bought me roses, a book of poetry and a book about writing, and a really sweet card. And that evening we went out to dinner at one of our favorite places: Sophisticated Palate.
Wednesday, Mike and Tim orchestrated a get-together. Everyone just started showing up at Mike's after dinner and suddenly there are cards, a cake with 22 candles, and people are singing to me.
I have the best friends in the whole world and the best boyfriend ever. God seriously blessed me this year!
Sorry I missed it! Happy Day!