So, I haven't been blogging as much lately as I would like. I've read several of your blogs today, though. At least the TTs. I'm quite proud of myself, really. Once I get my laptop [which should be soon] and we get internet in the apartment, then I should be blogging much more regularly. If I'm not completely burnt out from watching the kids *and* going to school. I don't think I will be, because when I last went to school, I worked 29 hours [on average] at JCPenney. I work an average of 25 hours here. Of course, watching Alex & Lauren isn't exactly the piece of cake that working at JCPenney's was. Lauren should be mobile soon. At least, more mobile than crawling. Eek! The worst part about blogging today is that this computer is EXRETMELY slow. It has an awful virus. But, well, I *am* addicted to the internet. I'll suffer slow internet if that means I get to blog. My babies were so good today! Lauren took a *super* long morning nap! She went down aro...