Can you believe I'm six months pregnant? Still feeling great! If I slouch too much or spend too much time on my feet, some part of my back will be in pain, but it's generally nothing big (except for after a wedding!) Mike and I have been taking a Bradley childbirth class and I'm loving it. Chances of me getting him to read "Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way" are probably slim, so I'm really glad we can be attending this class together. My parents still don't like photos of me holding my belly. Bet they'd hate coming over to my house when I hang out with my shirt up so I can just watch my belly move. Speaking of which, watching Charlemagne move under my belly is the WEIRDEST THING. It's like something out of Aliens. I would guess. I've never seen that movie because aliens are super scary. Charlemagne is still kicking up a storm. Stargirl got to feel him kick over the weekend...much to her chagrin. (In case anyone reads that below a...