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so much pretty: asian poses

So, last weekend was the first ever Greenville Lindy Exchange! These photos are from after the Saturday afternoon dance. I wish I had photos from all the dances, because I looked downright HOT at the Friday night dance. My girlfriends couldn't stop cat calling me. Oh yeah.

I actually really love the lighting of this photo and may possibly take people to this spot if I'm ever doing a photo session downtown. It's all natural light, people. Standing in front of a gigantic window on a sunny day FTW.

Of COURSE, I had to get jumping photos. What sort of person would I be if I didn't, eh?

T-shirt: Rue 21. I have this shirt in pink & gray and I love it. It's perfect for summer. Long enough that I can bend down & pick up the kiddos without anyone seeing my bum. Thin enough to help me survive playing outside in the summer. And it's cute and flattering.
Shorts: from my sister. from wal-mart. that's about all I know...
Socks: Xhiliration. Got them at target for an 80s dance. Who knew I'd be wearing them to a GVLX dance DJ'd by the same person! Said DJ complimented my socks.
Shoes: keds that I wear dancing. used to be white w/ black laces. now grey with black laces.
Earrings: if you can even see them, I made them.

Okay, now that we got some photos of my outfit. Time to work on our Asian poses. Why? Because I thought that, in addition to looking like a twelve-year-old, I also looked Asian-ish. I mean, in addition to being, well, you know, actually Asian.

Asian pose #1: V-sign
Asian pose #28: tears
yes, I know this photo is blurry and overexposed.. bear with me. ^_^
Asian pose #23: heart shape
I thought there was a cat ears post. Can you see the confusion in my face? I'm thinking. Cat ears, okay. Wait, these aren't cat ears!
...they're Asian pose #27: horns. So I made a yucky face. NOT a pose you'll see me doing.
I don't know what this is. I was thinking "crying" I think. But it ended up being a cross between Asian pose #24: nyan-nyan and Asian pose #8: pleading. Honestly, it looks like I'm just squishing my nose. Asian pose FAIL. 
Guess I'm pretty terrible at Asian poses. Or maybe, I'm just good at them half the time. That would make sense.

All photography by the lovely Anne Marie. My partner in crime with a fabulous vocabulary. Someday, I'll give you a word bank of Anne Marie's favorite phrases so you too can use them in real life.


  1. "Or maybe I'm just good at them half the time. That would make sense."

    HAHAHA! You crack me up!

  2. lol! glad someone thinks i'm funny ^_^

  3. I love your jumping poses. This one in particular is really sweet.

    I like the tears pose. I like that it is blurry and over exposed.


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